Do´s & Dont´s before Rhinoplasty

10 Tips to follow before Nose Surgery
Dr Alejandro Afanador®
Please read the following advices before scheduling any surgery.
- When considering rhinoplasty, nose experts are a must. Surgeons truly devoted to rhinoplasty are better skilled. Its a niche surgery. Better discard surgeons centered on liposuction, breast, buttocks or body contouring.
Wise decisions are based on quality, not prices. Skilled surgeons are your mainstay. If considering plastic surgery, do a lot of research.
- Free medical consultations are dangerous and lack confidence. Avoid them. If you feel comfortable during consultation, chances are you’ll feel confident when surgery ends.
- ENT´s are not Plastic Surgeons. ENT deals with diseases of ear, throat and airways. Instead, Plastic Surgeons focus on cosmetics, aesthetic surgery, beauty and facial harmony.
- Avoid rhinoplasty simulations rendered on front-profile pictures. Ask for precise, accurate and reliable 3D imaging simulations as Canfield3Dx™ simulation .
- Share experiences. Patients already intervened tell true stories. No better reference than testimonies.
- Best results are those subtle and natural. Exaggerated mods may look phony.
- Ask for an opinion. Family and friends are honest critics. They help making right decisions.
- Choose your Nose Procedure. Proposed changes vary from person to person.
- Click here to verify if doctor is Board Certified. Board Certificates like SCCP, ISAPS, ASAP and FILACP are most highly regarded.
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